Probiotic: 101 Let’s Get Familiar With the Good Gut Bacteria

Sraya Samaddar
13 min readJan 1, 2021
Probiotic: Good gut bacteria


Probiotics have taken the world by storm with its huge benefits and very low or almost none side effects! These certain types of live microorganisms are generally found in certain foods or supplements. These are good for you, especially for your digestive tract.

These beneficial live organisms are usually present in your gut and help you to maintain a healthy gut life. You can also take probiotics in the form of supplements. Probiotics are also available in many foods, from yoghurt to pickle, from kimchi to kombucha.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about probiotics- what are probiotics, how do they work, if they are really beneficial or if they have any side effects or not.

What Are Probiotics?

Probiotics are live microorganisms mostly some beneficial bacteria and yeast found in certain foods or supplements that are good for you, especially for your digestive system. They provide numerous health benefits when ingested in an adequate amount.

Most probiotics are beneficial bacteria, but a certain yeast strain can also function as probiotics.

These probiotics are usually found in many foods such as yoghurt, kefir. Kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, tempeh, buttermilk, some types of cheese and many more.

How Do Probiotics Work?

There is some more research needed to figure out exactly how these probiotics work. Though there are some ways by which they may keep the gut healthy.

  • When the body loses its own ‘good’ bacteria. For instance, during any digestive problems or after you take antibiotic drugs. Probiotics can replace these good gut bacteria.
  • Probiotics can balance the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria and keep the body working the way it should.

Types of Probiotics?

As we have told you many live microorganisms are classified as probiotics. Each probiotic strain has many different benefits, but most of them in two groups. Their intake should be depended on the gut problem one is facing.

1. Lactobacillus

Lactobacillus (Pl. Lactobacilli) is a type of gram-positive, rod-shaped, non-spore-forming bacteria that produce lactic acid after fermentation. This bacteria is usually found in the intestinal tract of mammals. Lactobacillus is probably the most common probiotic. You will find Lactobacillus in yoghurt, sauerkraut, and many other fermented foods. This bacteria comes with many different strains and they can help with diarrhoea and other digestive issues. This probiotic can also help people who are unable to digest lactose.

2. Bifidobacterium

Bifidobacterium is a type of gram-positive bacteria, non-motile bacteria that is usually found in the digestive tract, mouth, and vagina of mammals. This is one of the most common bacteria that make up the intestinal tract microbiota in the human intestine. Taking Bifidobacterium as a probiotic supplement can treat ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. You can find Bifidobacterium in many fermented foods such as kimchi, yoghurt, etc.

3. Saccharomyces boulardii

Saccharomyces boulardii is a species of yeast (a type of fungus). This is often used as probiotics and usually treats diarrhoea and some other intestinal problems. This beneficial microorganism has many food sources such as yoghurt, kimchi, kombucha, etc.

Generally, these 3 types of microorganisms are used in probiotic supplements.

Food and Probiotic

Super Healthy Probiotic Food Sources

Getting probiotics from supplements any time you want is easy. But there are many different fermented foods, you can get probiotics from.

Here is a list of fermented foods that contain probiotics and are super healthy.

  1. Yoghurt

Milk is fermented by some friendly bacteria like Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, and Bifidobacterium to form a creamy product, yoghurt.

Yoghurt contains friendly bacteria that help improve your gut health. It is one of the most popular fermented probiotic foods.

Yoghurt contains calcium that can improve bone health. This probiotic can help reduce diarrhoea and also relieve irritable bowel syndrome.

However, though all yoghurts are a trusted source of protein, not all yoghurt contains live microorganisms. As sometimes yoghurts are produced by heat-treating after fermentation, it typically kills live and active microorganisms. Make sure to check the label for “live active culture” on the yoghurt pack before buying it.

The best part about yoghurt is that even lactose intolerant people can consume yoghurt safely. Lactic acid bacteria turn the lactose present in the milk into lactic acid.

2. Sauerkraut


Sauerkraut is one of the oldest used probiotics. It is also rich in fibre and contains lots of vitamins like vitamin C, B, and K and has potent cancer-fighting and weight-losing properties.

Sauerkraut is made up of finely shredded cabbage that has been fermented by many lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. It boosts the number of healthy gut bacteria in the intestine and also boosts the immune system, thus improving overall health.

It is a popular side dish and sometimes used on top of sausages. It has a bit of sour taste and you can store this in an airtight container for months.

There are some shelf-stable sauerkraut products found in the market, that are usually prepared using vinegar. Vinegar-made sauerkraut mimics the sour taste of authentic probiotic but does not come with the beneficial bacteria we need. We all know that pasteurization kills active bacteria, always remember to choose unpasteurized sauerkraut.

3. Kefir


Kefir is a better probiotic drink for lactose-intolerant people. It has been found that milk kefir usually counteracts the problem, created by the lactose in the lactose-intolerant people’s stomach.

The term ‘Kefir’ comes from the ‘Keyif’ (Turkish, meaning ‘feeling good after eating’). It is one of the tastiest probiotic milk drinks. Kefir is prepared by adding kefir grains to goat’s milk or cow’s milk.

Some bacteria and yeasts exist in symbiotic associations in kefir grains. Kefir grains look a bit like cauliflower. It contains some major strains of friendly yeast and bacteria and it is the most potent probiotic.

Apart from milk kefir, you can also try coconut kefir and water kefir.

  • Coconut Kefir

Traditionally coconut kefir is made by adding kefir grains into the juice of young coconut. This fermented drink has several probiotic strains and very beneficial for your health. You can even add water, lime juice and a bit of stevia and make a refreshing fizzy kefir drink.

  • Water Kefir

Other than coconut kefir, you can also try water kefir. The fermented and fizzy beverage is made by adding kefir grain into sugar water. It is a perfect source of probiotics for vegan people. You can even add various herbs, fruits, etc and make your own choice of flavoured kefir.

4. Kimchi

Kimchi is a fermented probiotic spicy vegetable side dish, originated in Korea. It is usually made up of cabbage, radishes, and scallions, but sometimes some other vegetables are also used. Kimchi has a unique red colour that comes from a paste of red chilli, salted shrimp or kelp powder, ginger and garlic.

Kimchi is loaded with Lactobacillus kimchii bacteria and some other bacteria and yeasts. Kimchi is very useful to treat various gut problems.

Just like other probiotics, kimchi also has various health benefits. Kimchi helps you to stay slim. It also contains various minerals like iron and zinc and various vitamins such as vitamin K, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and Vitamin B7 (biotin).

5. Kombucha


A symbiotic culture of beneficial bacteria and yeast is added with black tea or green tea to make an effervescent fermented drink, Kombucha.

Kombucha is a popular drink in Asia. though the beneficial effect of kombucha probiotics lack high-quality evidence.

As we have said earlier, pasteurization often kills live and active bacteria so you need to always check the label for a low-sugar unpasteurized kombucha before buying it.

6. Miso

A traditional Japanese breakfast dish that is made by fermenting soybeans and some other ingredients like barley, rye, and rice with koji (Aspergillus oryzae — a type of fungus) and salt.

The best part about this probiotic-containing dish is, it is a complete protein as it comes from soybeans. miso contains 9 essential amino acids.

Miso has various health benefits, it improves digestive health, strengthens immunity. It has been found in a study that regular consumption of miso soup lowers the risk of breast cancer in women.

Miso is also a good source of various vitamins like vitamin B complex, vitamin K, minerals like iron, manganese, and copper, fibres and plant compounds.

7. Natto

Natto is a traditional fermented dish, where rice is mixed with bacterial strain Bacillus subtilis. It is one of the healthiest foods for women.

This Japanese probiotic dish is the highest dietary source of vitamin K2, which is essential to maintain heart health and bone density.

Natto contains a high range of probiotics that keeps the intestinal problems at bay, also improves the health of the skin and treats various skin troubles like eczema and acne.

8. Pickles

Pickles are vegetables that have been fermented by some bacteria like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium for some time in a solution of salt and water.

Always remember that not all pickles are fermented. For instance, pickles that are made up of vinegar do not contain any live microorganisms. Make sure to buy fermented pickles or make pickles at home using bacteria culture, salt, water and your choice of vegetable.

Pickles contain vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and important to improve bone health and cardiovascular health.

Fermented pickles contain probiotics that are good for gut health and can solve most intestinal problems.

9. Tempeh

Tempeh is one of the most popular probiotic foods in Indonesia. Tempeh is originally made with fermented soybean with a tempeh starter. Then within a day or two, the soybean gets fermented into a cake-like product.

Usually, tempeh is used as a substitute for meat and you consume it by baking, grilling or marinating in the way you want. It tastes like mushrooms and has a nutty flavour.

Tempeh has an outstanding nutrition profile. Raw soybean contains phytic acid that helps to absorb minerals like iron and zinc. The fermentation of soybean produces vitamin B12. Tempeh provides proteins and also 8% of your daily calcium requirement.

10. Green Olives

Green olives that are salt-water brined are an excellent source of two strains of active bacteria. Lactobacillus pentosus and Lactobacillus plantarum.

L. plantarum can give you the flat stomach you are trying to get for a very long time. L. pentosus is very useful for people who have irritable bowel syndrome or intestinal colitis. Overall green olives are a great source of probiotics.

But remember most green olives that are available in the markets are treated with Lye (a metal hydroxide that is obtained from leaching ashes). These olives do not contain any probiotic strain.

11. Cheese


Almost all types of cheeses are created with fermentation, but not all of them contain probiotics. Cheeses like mozzarella, parmesan, cheddar, gouda, swiss and gruyere typically come with active and live bacteria.

Lactic acid bacteria cultures are added with milk to make this type of cheese.

Cheeses are a good source of calcium and protein and are rich in vitamins and minerals.

12. Beet kvass

Kvass is a popular fermented probiotic drink that originated in Russia. It is very similar to yeast beer but usually made with stale rye rather than barley.

Traditionally, to make kvass beet is used as the source of starch and whey is added for the Lacto-fermentation process. But in recent years many root vegetables like carrot and other probiotic fruits are also used to make kvass.

Kvass has many positive digestive properties and is also rich in potassium and dietary fibres.

13. Butter Milk

Fermented buttermilk is one of the most popular probiotic drinks mostly consumed in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal.

There are usually two types of buttermilks found, the traditional one and the fermented one. To make the fermented buttermilk (that is rich with probiotic) the liquid that is left after churning butter is added with the milk.

The best part about this fermented buttermilk is that it contains various minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. and important vitamins like vitamin B12, B7, and B5. it is also low in fat.

Benefits of Probiotics

Probiotics have various health benefits. They provide a perfect balance of good bacteria to your gut and treats various health issues


1. Probiotics Restore Good Gut Bacteria

As we have said earlier probiotics are the live and active microorganisms that are good for your digestive system.

Probiotics usually treat many serious digestive issues such as chronic ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. This active microorganisms absorb nutrition from the food and maintain a healthy bowel movement.

For irritable bowel syndrome, probiotics reduce pain and inflammation. Probiotics also treat several forms of diarrhoea like acute diarrhoea and diarrhoea caused after taking antibiotics.

Usually, the strains of bacteria that are most useful to treat diarrhoea are Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and a species of yeast Saccharomyces boulardii.

2. Probiotics Boost Immunity

Almost 80% of our immune cells reside in our gastrointestinal system. Good gut bacterias inhibit the growth of harmful bad bacteria and sometimes promote the production of antibodies in the body.

Probiotics can definitely boost your immune system by boosting cells like B and T lymphocytes, IgA and IgG producing cells and natural killer cells.

3. Probiotic Improves Vaginal Health

Just like the gut, your vagina is also an ecosystem of good and bad bacteria and that must be balanced.

Lactobacillus is the main type of bacteria that is found in the vagina and they make the area acidic and kill the harmful bacteria like Escherichia coli.

Sometimes these good bacteria are killed by some outside factors like spermicides, birth control pills, and even antibiotics. When the vaginal bacterial ecosystem degenerates many infections like urinary tract infections (UTI), yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis develop.

Probiotic improves vaginal health by balancing good and bad bacteria in the vagina.

4. Probiotics Help With Weight Loss

Probiotics or the live and active microorganisms that contain dietary fibre and help in the metabolism of food. Some probiotics also prevent the absorption of fat in the digestive tract.

But not all probiotics promote weight loss some can also lead to weight gain like Lactobacillus acidophilus.

5. Probiotics Improve Skin Health

Probiotics can improve skin health and can treat various dermatological conditions such as eczema and certain allergies.

A study shows that probiotics can reduce atopic eczema by reducing inflammation in infants. Another study has shown that intaking probiotic supplements during the time of pregnancy and breastfeeding reduce the risk of eczema and other dermatological issues in their children.

However, more research is needed on this topic.

6. Probiotics Can Improve Mental Health Conditions

Probiotics may improve brain health as research at UCLA proves that brain function improves in people who regularly intake probiotics.

Consuming probiotics regularly reduces depression and anxiety levels.

7. Probiotics Improve Heart Health

Probiotics can lower the blood pressure level and improve the heart’s condition. They can also increase the vitamin D levels in the blood thus prevent the increase of blood pressure.

A certain strain of bacteria Lactobacillus named L. reuteri helps to reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol and saturated fatty acids in the blood.

Side Effects of Consuming Probiotics

Though probiotics have various health benefits, they can also cause some side effects.

  • The most serious side effect of intaking probiotics is the small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). In this condition, the large intestine bacteria start growing in the small intestine. A study has shown that there might be a possible link between probiotics and SIBO. the condition improves when the person is treated with antibiotics.
  • People who just started using probiotics sometimes experience gas, diarrhoea or sudden feelings of bloating. But the feelings clear up within 4–5 days. But you should consult a doctor if the condition persists for more than 1 week.
  • Some probiotic strain can cause allergy to people who have sensitive skin. If any rash or itching or any skin conditions occur then stop consuming the probiotic. Try a different strain of probiotic.

Frequently Asked Questions About Probiotics

We tried to tell you everything you need to know about probiotics. Still, a few questions are lingering on your mind? Let’s check them.

1. What Is Prebiotic?

There are some non-digestible compounds present in the food that induce the growth of beneficial microorganisms or probiotics. Actually, probiotics feed on the prebiotics.


2. Should I Take Probiotic Regularly?

Probiotics are good for health. You can consume various probiotics containing foods such as yoghurt, kefir, kombucha, tempeh, etc. but always consult a doctor before taking any probiotic supplements.

3. Who Should Not Take Probiotics?

People who are suffering from cancer and have any immunodeficiency diseases (eg. AIDS) should consult a doctor before taking probiotic supplements.

4. Do Probiotics Detox The Body?

Probiotics increase the beneficial gut bacteria. These bacteria can detoxify the body and helps the gut to absorb more nutrients.

5. Should I Take Probiotics In The Morning Or At Night?

You should take probiotics shortly before eating the food. You can take the probiotic supplements in the morning before breakfast or before lunch or dinner.


Various foods like yoghurt, tempeh, miso, natto, kombucha, sauerkraut, etc offer beneficial bacterias. Just remember to check the product label carefully before buying it.

People who are taking probiotic supplements for the first time should always consider a doctor. People with any severe illness should consult their healthcare provider as some of the bacterial strain can be harmful to them.

We have tried to shed light on everything you need to know about probiotics and it’s supplements. Did we miss anything? Should we add anything more? Do tell us in the comment section below. And don’t forget to like and share this article with your close ones.



Sraya Samaddar

Bookaholic + Storyteller. Wait! Let me get a pen and take you to wonderland! Ps: I’m always hungry 😋